group movement meditation classes

FREE! Breathwork & Meditation

Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-12:15pm with THRIVE in Westhampton Beach & on zoom

My signature movement meditation class:

 This class is for those seeking an integrative approach to well-being that harnesses the intelligence of the body, mind and emotional center.

This is a movement class that incorporates basic yoga postures, breathwork and movement patterns that are easily adaptable to most individuals. 

You are invited to move as you can – not as you can’t – breathing peace and stability in facing challenge and possibility. 

The aim of movement meditation is to stretch and strengthen body and mind while releasing stress and tension to cultivate deep inner peace and inspire ourselves to be light to the world.

Tuesdays 530 & 645pm + Fridays 830am at Solntse Hot Yoga of Wading River

Need to practice right now?

Listen here & watch here - for free!

Prefer a more specialized approach and class?

Head over to the “work with me” tab to learn more and schedule your session.

blindfold movement meditation

June date to be released soon | 6pm | Solntse of Wading River, NY

in yoga philosophy, pratyahara - translated as removal of the senses, is designed to take us from our outer world filled with distractions to our inner world. a journey to self and connect deeper within. 

we'll explore this in this blindfolded experience.

 blindfolded yoga is a unique and transformative practice that encourages practitioners to develop a deeper mind-body connection. you’ll feel your balance being challenged as you remove visual references, allowing the rest of your senses become more refined. 

the present moment will be magnified, fostering greater focus, intuition and trust as you tune deeper into your breath, feeling and hearing the sensations of your body moving to help you unlock new dimensions of your practice while deepening your connection to yourself. 

 blindfolds will be provided or byob ;)

Register here.

the remedy

June date to be released soon | 6:30pm | THRIVE 110 Mill Rd, Westhampton Beach, NY

This class is free!

Immerse yourself in a transformative and integrative experience focused on pain management and emotional regulation through the synergistic practices of Yin yoga and Somatics. This unique combination brings together the therapeutic benefits of Yin yoga's deep stretching and release with the mindful and sensorial approach of Somatics. Together, these practices offer a holistic path towards finding relief from physical discomfort while cultivating emotional well-being.

Together we’ll explore how chronic pain and unprocessed emotions often manifest as held tension and restrictions in the body. Through the gentle Yin yoga postures, we will target specific areas prone to pain and tension, inviting deep relaxation and release. Coupled with Somatic movement exercises, we will tap into the body's innate wisdom and unlock stored emotions, allowing for a profound sense of integration and healing. Through breathwork, mindful awareness, and guided somatic explorations, we will cultivate a greater understanding of our body-mind connection, developing tools to regulate difficult emotions and reduce pain in our daily lives.

No previous experience needed for you to receive benefit.- all are welcome to join this transformative journey toward embodied well-being.

Register here.

a retreat within

summer 2024 date to be released soon

A Retreat Within aims to rejuvenate and energize our bodies while calming and quieting our minds, resulting in a feeling of wellness, balance and peace.

Through A Retreat Within, we realize our full potential and capacity for healing and love by connecting to our true nature - which is calm, peaceful, tolerant of ourselves and others.

Our day will begin with an optional green therapy walk at Quogue Wildlife Refuge from 8:30-9:30am followed by a series of practices in our center beginning at 10am that support the journey inward. Lunch will be served.

This experience is FREE and open to everyone ages 18+. Preregistration is required.

Sign up here.